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Students benefit from LMC bursary
THE Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) is preparing to launch this year’s £1500 third level education bursary, in partnership with..

Last chance to enter Meat4Schools competition
TEACHERS and pupils across Northern Ireland (NI) are encouraged to grasp the opportunity to win a hamper packed full of..

Win a beef and lamb hamper with Meat4Schools
POST primary schools across Northern Ireland could be in with a chance to win a hamper packed full of Northern..

LMC opens bookings for post primary cookery demonstrations
BOOKINGS for the Livestock and Meat Commission’s (LMC) annual round of post primary school cookery demonstrations are now open. Food..

LMC launch primary school book
A NEW primary school book designed to provide key stage two pupils with facts about food and farming has been..

CAFRE student takes receipt of LMC bursary
SUSTAINABLE Agriculture student Laura Geddis has been presented with the 2024 Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) bursary award. The..

LMC completes series of teacher workshops
SCORES of Food and Nutrition teachers from across Northern Ireland have participated in interactive red meat workshops this academic year...

Win a trip to Balmoral Show for your class!
THE biggest agricultural event of the year is just around the corner and this year the Livestock and Meat Commission..

Bookings open for LMC primary school cookery demonstrations
BOOKINGS for the Livestock and Meat Commission’s (LMC) primary school cookery demonstrations will open on Tuesday 19 March 2024. Teachers..

New cookery demonstrators join the LMC team
THE Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) has announced the appointment of two cookery demonstrators to its existing team. Sandra Wilkinson..